1001-Ideas-That-Changed-the-Way-We-Think [Robert Arp] (fb2) читать постранично, страница - 269

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class="book">Waddington, C. H. 708

Wales, Jimmy 928

Waliullah, Shah 408

Wallace, Alfred Russell 511

Wantzel, Pierre 224

war is good 556

war on terror 928

warehouse clubs 759

Warnekros, Kurt 683

Watchmaker Analogy 456

water (all is) 130, 167

waterpower 218

Watson, James 370, 756, 855

Watson, John 643

wave theory of light 379

weak force 693

Weber-Fechner law 478

Weber, Max 321, 619, 621

Wegener, Alfred 337

Weierstrass, Karl 858

Weinberg, Stephen 817, 854

Weismann, August 458, 560

Wellcome Trust, London 937

Wellington, Duke of 474

Wells, H. G. 323

Werner, Karl 804

Wertheimer, Max 640

West, Brett 906

Westinghouse, George 340

Weyl, Hermann 648

Whitcomb, John C. The Genesis Flood 786

White, Ellen G. The Great Controversy 508

Whitehead, Alfred North 151

Whitney, Eli 453

Whyte, William H. 755

Wicca 159, 761

Wiener, Norbert 726

Wikipedia 928

Wilczek, Frank 846

Wiles, Andrew 359

Wilkins, John 371

William of Ockham 185, 210, 214, 293

Williams, Ralph Vaughan 326

Willis, Ceasare “Tight Eyez” 922

Wilson, Allan 887

Wilson, William 695

Wimsatt, William 718

Winckelmann, Johann Joachim 417

wind power 61

winemaking 47

Wittgenstein, Ludwig 255, 408

beetle in a box 758

if a lion could speak 758

Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus 665

Wollstonecraft, Mary 442, 445

Woolf, Virginia A Room of One’s Own 680

World Anti-Piracy Observatory 938

World Wide Web 893

W3C 903

world, end of 99

infinite number of worlds 336

wormholes 648

Wovoka 575

Wright, Orville and Wilbur 271, 457, 485

wu wei 136, 139

Wundt, Wilhelm 552, 611


X-rays 587

Xenophon 134


Y-chromosomal Adam 927

Yijing (I Ching) 82, 126

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali 234

Yoga Vasistha 228

you are what you eat 500

Young, Michael The Rise of the Meritocracy 778


Zahavi, Amotz 860

Zen 275, 293, 295

Zeno of Citium 217

Zeno of Elea 159

Zeno’s arrow 171

Zermelo, Ernst 610

zero 97, 161

Zhuangzi 136, 139

Zimmerman, Paul 618

Zoroastrianism 50, 65, 99, 109, 119

Zubrin, Robert The Case for Mars 912

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