Dean R. Koontz

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Dean Ray Koontz (born July 9, 1945) is an American author best known for his novels, which can broadly be described as suspense thrillers, but also frequently incorporate elements of horror, science fiction, mystery, and satire. Several of his books have appeared on the New York Times Bestseller List, 14 hardcovers and 14 paperbacks reached the number one position. Koontz wrote under a number of pen names earlier in his career, including "David Axton", "Leigh Nichols" and "Brian Coffey".
Koontz was born on July 9, 1945, in Everett, Pennsylvania. He was regularly beaten and abused by his alcoholic father, which influenced his later writing, as also did the courage of his physically diminutive mother in standing up to her husband. "In his senior year at Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania, he won a fiction competition sponsored by Atlantic Monthly magazine. After graduation in 1967, he went to work as an English teacher at Mechanicsburg High School in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania. In the 1960s, Koontz worked for the Appalachian Poverty Program, a federally funded initiative designed to help poor children. In a 1996 interview with Reason Magazine, he said that while the program sounded "very noble and wonderful, . . . [i]n reality, it was a dumping ground for violent children . . . and most of the funding ended up 'disappearing somewhere.'"

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Количество книг по ролям: Автор - 108. ( 108 на иностранном языке)
По форматам:  fb2 книги - 108 (73.20 Мб)
Всего книг: 108. Объём всех книг: 73 Мб (76,758,148 байт)

1) 77 Shadow Street 2.36 Мб
2) A Big Little Life: A Memoir of a Joyful Dog 0.83 Мб
3) A Darkness in My Soul 0.29 Мб
4) A Werewolf Among Us 0.38 Мб
5) Anti-Man 0.31 Мб
6) Anti-Man 0.37 Мб
7) Beastchild 0.32 Мб
8) Beastchild 0.35 Мб
9) Blood Risk 0.31 Мб
10) Brandzeichen 1.17 Мб
11) Breathless 0.54 Мб
12) Breathless 0.52 Мб
13) Brother Odd 0.53 Мб
14) By the Light of the Moon 0.78 Мб
15) Chase 0.26 Мб
16) City of Night 0.49 Мб
17) City of Night 0.53 Мб
18) Cold Fire 0.85 Мб
19) Dance with the Devil 0.32 Мб
20) Dark of the Woods 0.31 Мб
21) Dark of the Woods 0.27 Мб
22) Dark Rivers of the Heart 1.39 Мб
23) Darkfall 0.66 Мб
24) Darkness Under the Sun 0.16 Мб
25) Dead and Alive 0.55 Мб
26) Deeply Odd 0.6 Мб
27) Demon Seed 0.34 Мб
28) Der Schutzengel 0.95 Мб
29) Down in the Darkness 0.1 Мб
30) Dragon Tears 0.85 Мб
31) Dragonfly 0.53 Мб
32) Drzwi do grudnia 0.79 Мб
33) El Lugar Maldito 0.94 Мб
34) End of the Tiger and Other Stories 0.49 Мб
35) False Memory 1.38 Мб
36) Fear Nothing 0.78 Мб
37) Fear That Man 0.39 Мб
38) Forever Odd 0.48 Мб
39) From the Corner of His Eye 1.38 Мб
40) Głos nocy 0.5 Мб
41) Grom 0.93 Мб
42) Groza 0.39 Мб
43) Hanging on 0.62 Мб
44) Hell's Gate 0.39 Мб
45) Hideaway 0.82 Мб
46) Highway ins Dunkel 1.07 Мб
47) Husband 0.57 Мб
48) Icebound 0.59 Мб
49) Innocence 0.83 Мб
50) Intensity 0.74 Мб
51) Invasion 0.31 Мб
52) Lampi 0.86 Мб
53) Last Light 0.18 Мб
54) Lightning 0.83 Мб
55) Lost Souls 0.65 Мб
56) Łzy smoka 0.76 Мб
57) Maska 0.46 Мб
58) Midnight 1.03 Мб
59) Mitternacht 1.12 Мб
60) Mr. Murder 1.12 Мб
61) Nieśmiertelny 1.15 Мб
62) Night Chills 1.53 Мб
63) Nightmare Journey 0.4 Мб
64) Nocturno 0.79 Мб
65) Odd Apocalypse 0.64 Мб
66) Odd Hours 0.64 Мб
67) Odd Interlude 0.41 Мб
68) Odd Thomas 0.65 Мб
69) Odwieczny wróg 0.88 Мб
70) One Door Away From Heaven 1.3 Мб
71) Phantoms 0.94 Мб
72) Północ 0.86 Мб
73) Prodigal Son 0.61 Мб
74) Przy blasku księżyca 0.82 Мб
75) Ricochet Joe 0.2 Мб
76) Seize the Night 0.9 Мб
77) Shadowfires 0.97 Мб
78) Sole Survivor 0.82 Мб
79) Star Quest 0.31 Мб
80) Strange Highways 1.16 Мб
81) Surrounded 0.28 Мб
82) Sussurri 1.07 Мб
83) Szepty 1.15 Мб
84) The Dark of Summer 0.45 Мб
85) The Darkest Evening Of The Year 0.82 Мб
86) The Dead Town 0.58 Мб
87) The Door To December 0.72 Мб
88) The Eyes of Darkness 0.61 Мб
89) The Face of Fear 0.41 Мб
90) The Haunted Earth 0.33 Мб
91) The Long Sleep 0.3 Мб
92) The Mask 0.44 Мб
93) The Moonlit Mind 0.25 Мб
94) The Night of the Storm 0.09 Мб
95) The Servants of Twilight 0.83 Мб
96) The Taking 0.56 Мб
97) The Voice of the Night 0.5 Мб
98) Tick Tock 0.5 Мб
99) Tunel strachu 0.54 Мб
100) Velocity 0.59 Мб
101) Watchers 1.01 Мб
102) What the Night Knows (with bonus novella Darkness Under the Sun) 2.3 Мб
103) Whispers 1.04 Мб
104) Wilderness 0.23 Мб
105) Winter Moon 0.74 Мб
106) Your Heart Belongs To Me 0.55 Мб
107) Ziarno demona 0.35 Мб
108) Zwiadowca piekieł 0.41 Мб


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